
Thursday, 13 June 2019

Well, we are working right up to the finish line! We have been thinking deeply about many big issues, such as immigration and why people are or are not accepting of people moving to their country. It filled my heart when I listened to the views of my class; they demonstrated the true Canadian spirit of generosity and belonging. They have truly mastered the art of having a big and open heart as they begin to show independence in thinking fir themselves about such big issues!

We really enjoyed drumming with Darcy. The pictures on the faces shows it all:

After, we reflected on why it was important to take part in this activity. Ask your child what they said. This is just one of the fantastic journal entries:

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Here is a message from the Makerspace that you may be able to help with:

Monday, 3 June 2019

Today we had an excellent presentation from the Calgary Humane Society. This supports our work in science.

Ask me:

What does habituation mean?
Why does it happen?
Why should we prevent it?
How can we prevent it?

This week we have a few special events:

Tuesday - Bike to school day - park in the gym
Wednesday - Backwards Day wear your clothes the wrong way round
Thursday - Canada Day - wear red and white
Friday - Beach Day (no swim suits please)

In math we continue to practice division. We are learning many different strategies to help deepen our understanding.

As we move toward the summer holiday, I thought that now is a good time to make sure you are pro-active and plan some daily reading time. Remember, even strong readers in grade three very much benefit from reading to an adult on a daily basis. Besides, it's fun - and it makes a huge difference, as you can see!!

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

What a great opportunity we had taking part in the Freeze Kids Comic Tour. We all had a lot of fun learning how to draw cartoon characters.

If you want a comic book remember to return the forms tomorrow!

The students are continuing their great work by writing about Goods and Services for their social studies work. They had to communicate their understanding by using a paragraph with a topic and concluding sentence and include some specific details. They did such a great job. Ask them for the definition of each term. Don't forget to ask them for an example of each. We will continue this work tomorrow by adding another paragraph about the goods and services in Ukraine. Working hard like this helps to keep the students focussed and engaged (which means calm:) ) as we near the end of the year. It also helps them to be better prepared for grade four, which will make the transition easier.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Just a reminder that it is the grade three assembly this Friday. We look forward to seeing many of you there.

Don't forget to bring some loose change for the mini market. All proceeds from the sale of our beautiful authentic gifts will go to The Mustard Seed and other charities.

What a beautiful Ripple Effect to spread:)

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Don't forget - we go to the Mary Poppins production tomorrow  rain or shine! Make sure your child is suitably dressed and has a snack they can carry with them.

Still looking for volunteers:)