
Sunday 30 September 2018

The end of this week and the Terry Fox modified run provided us with a timely reminder that all students need to have indoor shoes at school. This helps to keep our school clean and it is much more comfortable to wear warm dry footwear. There are still a couple of students who do not have indoor shoes at school.

The class created their first Found Poem together. A Found Poem is when we reflect about an issue or an event. Th ideas are recorded just as they are uttered. Phrases and sentences are chosen with prompts, such as 'What sounds like the first line?' or 'What sounds like it would come next?' This poem belongs to the whole class as we all helped to write it. As the students gain confidence and competence, they will move toward creating their own unique poems. Found poetry is a powerful way to assess understanding. Students who find regular writing to be challenging often excel at expressing their thoughts and ideas. This was a great first attempt in learning (FAIL).

 As we think about our identity, we have been thinking about how the land once used to belong to the First Nation people, then to a farming family. (Ask me about who the family is and where the name Evanston came from.) We are now at the stage of looking how the land around us is used. (Ask me).  This led us to think about spaces in our houses, such as the basement or our bedroom. These spaces often reflect our identity. We are also realizing the importance of adding detail to our pictures, which in turn leads to details in our writing, which is part of the big jump in writing expectations from grade two to grade three. Here are some of the pictures of Evanston today:

In math, we have been practicing our number sense by answering puzzles, such as 'I am a three digit number with a 7 in the tens pace. What number could I be?' This is an example of an Open Ended question. You can practice these at home.  Make sure you use the terms digits and numbers, so your child understands the difference. For example, 'Write a three digit number. The sum of the digits must add up to 7.' or ' Write a three digit number where the digit in the hundreds place is 2 more than the ones place.' We have also thinking about how we can represent these numbers in different ways. We look at numbers up to 1000 in grade three.

In science we have started to think about the Scientific Process. We have found out that many discoveries were found out by observing closely. Ask your child about what Edward Jenner found out and what important discovery this led to.

I still have a few students who have not brought back the completed package that was sent home at the start of the year. Look out for a sticky message in your child's backpack. I got a few empty envelopes returned, so some children feel they have returned the forms but according to my checklist, they have not.

Wear orange on Monday if you can. We will be taking part in Orange Shirt day. But please do not worry if you do not have an orange shirt. Maybe your child has another article of clothing that is orange.

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