
Friday 19 October 2018

Thank you to all parents who helped out with our first field trip. We could not manage without you and really appreciate you taking time out of your day. Although it was a little chilly to start with, all the students did great journaling. Journaling is a great way to get down our thoughts, make connections and consider new possibilities. What's great about journaling is that we learn the techniques but there are no right or wrong ways to journal. Once the students fully understand this, they really excel in their creativity.

Here are some pictures:

We looked at lots of interesting things:

We thought hard about what these things could mean. We think these are beaver teeth marks.

We went home tired but happy and calm.

After we got back to school, we were glad to fill our tummies and watch a light hearted read aloud.

Today was a good reminder that when we journal it can feel colder than if we are walking. I know that I will remember to layer up more next time we go out. This will be particularly true when we do our Open Minds week.

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