
Monday 5 November 2018

Lest we Forget.

We spent some time reflecting about Remembrance Day and what peace meant to us. The students are beginning to show they can express more abstract concepts using beautiful sentiments. Here are some of their doves:

As we have been writing our monster stories, we found out that though we could hear the direct speech in the opening sentence as we read the stories out loud, we could not see it. We looked at how published authors used direct speech and found out they use speech marks. We were surprised to find out that when someone speaks, it always begins with an upper case, even in the case of:

Mary said "Let's go home." 

Before we investigated this, we had all though that since the 'L' was not at the start of a sentence, it should be written using a lower case so we learned a lot by being good detectives! After learning this, we practiced by rewriting speech bubbles into direct speech. You can do this at home for added practice. At home you can also see if you can find out more rules about how authors use direct speech. 

Date for your diaries:

Opne Minds: This runs from January 21 - 25 and we really want 5 volunteers per day. This is a fantastic opportunity to support your child and gain an appreciation of what Open Minds is all about. Please consider volunteering. 

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