
Monday, 13 May 2019

Can you let me, Mrs. Njie know as soon as you are able, if you can volunteer:) Many thanks. 

Also, please don't forget that half the class is on a field trip tomorrow and will need to take two snacks to school, in addition to the usual lunch. One snack will be eaten at school before we leave. If time allows, we will eat the other (easy pocket snack) just before we get on the bus. The other half of the class will be joining the remaining grade three classes.

Mary Poppins Junior Musical at Our Lady of Grace School
Dear Parents and Guardians,
On Thursday, May 16, 2019 our Grades 2, 3 and 4 students will be walking with their classes and teachers to Our Lady of Grace to watch Mary Poppins Junior,  a special musical performed by the Junior High students.
Below is the itinerary for this special event:
8:30 AM     Walk from Ken Taylor to Our Lady of Grace
9:30 AM     Performance begins
10:15 AM   Approximate intermission & time to eat snack
11:30 AM   Walk back from Our lady of Grace to Ken Taylor
Students will have an opportunity to eat their lunch (including the pre-purchased Fun Lunches) when they return to the school after the performance.
To prepare for this special day we ask that you dress your child appropriately for the walk, which is 1.8 km each way.  Please ensure your child is wearing sunscreen, a hat, running shoes, and a jacket appropriate for the weather.
Also, it would be helpful to pack an extra big snack and a water bottle too as children tend to be extra hungry during outings.
We require volunteers to accompany the students for this event.  If you have been approved as a CBE Volunteer and are able to help out for the morning, please email your child's teacher to let them know.
Teachers will be reviewing expectations with students prior to the walk to mitigate possible hazards including staying with the group; walking on the sidewalk and crossing the road with the adults. Students will be reminded to be aware of their surroundings to avoid trips and falls.
We are very excited about this unique community building opportunity.
Kind regards,

Christina Tuttle,
Assistant Principal

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