
Saturday, 4 May 2019

May 4, 2019

Dear Parents and/or Guardians,

The half of our Grade 3 class that will not be going to Saint Vlad’s Museum will be participating in a Community Walk on Tuesday May 7th. We will be leaving Ken Taylor School at 8:45am and returning at 10:45am. The purpose of this walk is to learn about our community and explore how it changes throughout the seasons. We will be walking to the Creekside wetlands north of Symons Valley Parkway. As part of our walk, we will be recording some of our experiences through journaling. We will also be eating snack while on out walk, so please pack a light snack for your child.

As with any walk, there are some hazards that may be encountered that you should be aware of. These including tripping or slipping while walking, encountering wildlife, and hazards associated with weather. We will do all we can to ensure the safety of our students.

Please dress your child appropriately for the weather conditions of the day; we will be outside the entire time.

In order to go on this community walk, we require parent volunteers to accompany us. All volunteers at any CBE school must have completed and cleared a police security clearance screen prior to volunteering.

If you have police clearance and are available to volunteer please reply to this email to inform you child’s teacher.


Mrs. Njie and Mr. Straiton

If you returned the field trip form (green) to say your child is going to St. Vlad's on the 14th, your child will be on this community walk. If your child is going on the field trip on Tuesday, they will need to eat a big breakfast and pack an easy to eat, but big snack and a small pocket snack.

Thank you for your help!

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