
Tuesday 25 September 2018

This week in writing, we have been using our Super Sentence framework to help us in our writing about the area we live in, as we continue to think about our identity. 

We started by thinking about what used to be on the land before the houses and before the farms. We drew pictures of grass and big horizons, which helped us think of details to add to our basic sentences to transform them into Super Sentences!

The sentences the students created are truly Super, as you can see:

We continued our work today by adding animals to our pictures and thinking about how the First Nation people have very different views on ownership and sharing of the land. It was a great conversation, which leads us nicely into thinking about Orange Shirt day.

Now we have received some Digital Citizenship training from Mrs. Jordan, who is our technology expert, we were allowed to use the computers. We had a great conversation about being responsible around technology. This included the time we spend on technology and our privacy. We used the word YAPPY to help us remember how to keep safe. Ask me what each part stand for. Use of technology and issues such as keeping personal information private and not sharing passwords are great conversations for you to have at home too.

Mrs. Jordan remarked what great listeners we were!

A Member of our class won the $25 Scholastics Prize! As her class teacher, I was able to buy quite a few books for the classroom library to add to my collection. I am passionate about books so was really excited to have a few more. This morning the class and I opened a surprise gift from this same child - it was another book!!! Thank you so much. I can't mention your name - but you know who you are:)

Already our class has the reputation of being a lovely kind caring sweet class. Already I feel that sense of team that each teacher strives for has happened. Already I have my school family and I hope your child feels they too have an extended school family. Together we are going to have an exciting learning journey!! Thank you parents for your invaluable support.

Dates to Remember:
Thursday - Terry Fox Run 1:30 pm. Please consider donating $2
Oct 1st - Orange Shirt Day. If you don't have an orange shirt, don't worry - try to wear something orange

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