
Wednesday 31 October 2018

Halloween Week

Thank you parents, for doing your part in helping keep our young learners calm and ready for school. Please remember that apart from the brief walk through the school to admire costumes, tomorrow will be work as usual, which is:

We are in the middle of writing a story about a cute monster for our Kindergarten buddies (hence the real need to stay on the cute side!). We have looked at character traits. Ask your child what type of a personality their monster has. We brainstormed possible problems and solutions. Ask your child what theirs is. We made a story board of the beginning, middle and end of the story. We used pictures so that the children would not just simply write their story out. It can be hard to remember what a plan is!

Here are some pictures of our story boards:

In science, we completed a STEM challenge that aligns closely with our work on bridges. The students had limited resources from which they had to build a web (essentially a bridge) that would span a space (witches cauldron). The students had to see how many spiders their web could hold. A big part of the challenge was to see if the students could work together. Part way through the challenge, the students had to reflect on challenges they had, either with working as a team or with the design. We had some wonderful Beautiful Oopses!

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