
Wednesday 31 October 2018

Halloween Learning

Now we have a problem and solution for our story, the students looked at the work of real authors to find out where the problem should be. Before we read any books to find out, we all made a prediction. (This also provided an authentic task for us to learn a bit about fractions).

Most of us predicted that the problem would be between the 1/4 and 1/2 point of the story.

After reading a few picture books we began to realize that the problem is introduced at the very start or close to the start. In one of the books we read, it began with the very first word! You can ask your child where the problem is introduced in a picture book and see if they remember. You can also ask your child to point out the problem to you as you read together. Picture books can be very powerful teaching aids. Don't be in a hurry to leave them behind as your child moves to reading longer chapter books!

Our day ended with carving the pumpkin. Before we began to carve, we estimated the number of seeds it would have. We decided that when we counted the seeds, we should bundle them into groups of ten as it was a more efficient way to count. We then voted on what features we should put on the face. This gave a great opportunity to talk, in kid language and at kid level, about voting, democracy and dictatorship! We linked this idea to a current concern in Calgary; whether to hold the Olympics or not! Who would have thought that we could fit math, science, social studies, literacy and art into this one tradition? Ask your child what number we grouped the seeds into and why. Ask them if it is fair if one person decides to carve squares for the eyes even if everyone else wants triangles. Ask them how we decide important issues in countries like Canada.

I don't have any photos of our pumpkin but I do have some very cute photos of the kids in their costumes! Enjoy!

 All the kids are just too cute for words!

 2 minute, 5 minute, 10 minute Sketches. Look at the concentration!


A final look

Oh, look who managed to getting the pictures! This is my dog Bailey! He is dressed up as a posh dog in his bow tie!

I promised the class I would include my horse, Ace! I am the mustard! He is the hoof long sub!

(sorry, I am a traditionalist with the apostrophe!)

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