
Thursday 15 November 2018

In math, we have started to look at not only different strategies to add numbers, but we have been thinking about what strategies are the most effective. By working deeply with smaller numbers, we will find the larger numbers easier. See if your child can answer this problem. You can discuss what strategy was easier and why.

 Last week we completed a STEM challenge. This largely involved science, math and our co-operation skills. It gave us an authentic opportunity to use our mathematical vocabulary and apply our scientific understanding.

 This was the original 'square.' It clearly did not hold it's shape!

 Here were the different modifications made to the square:



 Thinking about how effective it was joining materials!

 We noticed one side was rigid and the other was not!

 We made triangles in different ways:

Some people braced their square.

Looking at parts of the structure that did not work as well as the others helped us gain a deeper understanding of how to make structures stronger.

 We found that shorter lengths of paper were stronger.

 Sorry, I can't flip images!

 Our focus in writing continues to be the beginnings. We try to help the students understand how the expectations change from grade two to grade three. No more 'One day ...' beginnings! We have looked at how authors vary the start of their writing by using the different types shown.

These examples were taken from real authors who make their living from writing books so they should be good!

Bring in any great examples you find at home while doing your daily reading with your child!

Today we had great fun in the Learning Commons, with Mrs. Jordan our technology Learning Leader, doing a STEAM activity. Ask me what that stands for. Ask me what I made!

 Some of the patterns were very complex!

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