
Friday 16 November 2018

We had a lot of fun with our Kindergarten buddies today! We helped them learn a word to read and to add numbers.  For our own math, our task today was to practice adding using near doubles and friendly ten numbers.

The class was really impressed with the very complex and artistic designs that are made using just people's hands to pour sand, after watching a video. We made our own art in the style of Rangoli art as part of finding out about the traditions and customs of other countries.

 We have been working really hard at making our Beautiful Beginnings EVEN better. We came up with a topic idea then we created a good beginning using one of the beginning types we have looked at (blue). We then revised this beginning even further to create the one in pink.

There has been a lot of progression in the students' ability to add plausible verbs and details to add interest to their work. You can practice this at home by picking one of the sentences we still need to revise.

We continued to think about our inquiry of The Ripple Effect by reading the very powerful picture book, 'Each Kindness'. It is a book about how our actions can profoundly affect others. In the book a little girl is ignored by all her classmates because of how she dresses. Sadly the girl stops coming to school before the character in the story regrets her actions and is able to make amends. She learned her lesson the hard way. We can learn from her lesson and make sure we choose that kindness ripples out from us. You can look up this book on u tube if you want to read and discuss this great book with your child. This book is also a great lead in to next week's blue shirt day.

Have a great weekend!

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