
Monday 19 November 2018

The students have been working very hard at revising then editing already great beginnings to pieces of work after starting with a broader 'boring' sentence (One dark night I went to explore a haunted house.) Without exception, every student was able to create a sentence along the lines of the pink example. Revising already good work that makes sense is very challenging for this age group so they all did an awesome job! It was very hard to make sure the final piece of work was not only more interesting and detailed, but it still kept the essence of the message of the preceding work. You could try this at home, beginning with a sentence, such as:

Boom! Crash! "What was that?" said Ethan and Jo as they walked into the haunted house.

We are moving onto adding and subtracting three digit numbers together (without regrouping). The traditional algorithm is not taught now as it emerges naturally once the students gain a deeper understanding by using strategies such as the one below. Here the students can see, for example that it is not 3 being added to the 4, but 30 being added to the 40. We use 'pull apart' numbers to help us grow in our mathematical number sense. I wish we learned how to add like this when I was younger:)

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