
Tuesday 27 November 2018

We are spending a lot of time this week doing a very different type of writing. We have been practicing writing up science investigations. We are getting good at thinking up questions that we can test out. For example, someone in the class asked if how thick pillars would be better than thin pillars to hold up a bridge. We thought about how we would set up our equipment (procedure) we would make our test fair. We made a hypothesis (what we thought would happen and why). We collected our results (results!) and we thought about what our results meant (conclusion). Along the way we had lots of fun!

As part of health, we have started to think about the emotions we have. It's good to be able to recognize the emotion we are feeling as the first step to changing our emotion if it is not appropriate for the setting or if we don't like it. Our emotions fit into 4 broad types. Ask me what they are.

Here are some of the emotions we feel. What emotions do you think were trying to be shown? What other emotions are there that we forgot to include?

No child was hurt in the making of these photos! The children were very good at modeling different emotions - some are very realistic, but all were posed for the camera:)

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