
Saturday 15 December 2018

Important dates this week!

Before this though, I have an urgent request for volunteers for our week long Campus Calgary Open Minds opportunity. I have met with the Seed School co-ordinator and we have started to plan a really exciting week. We will truly be able to take our learning out of the class by meeting with experts, seeing first hand and experiencing Downtown as we consider our inquiry, The Ripple Effect - which is about how we can impact the world. We are truly lucky to have successfully won our place to Seed School - not many students get a chance to go


As of now, I only have one week long volunteer and one person who can come on a couple of days. We need 5 volunteers each day for this experience not to be cancelled.
I have taken classes to Campus Calgary Open Minds on four occasions, and it is truly a momentous experience. My own child has had the opportunity to go to Open Minds and it made a huge impact on him. I volunteered by taking time off work so his class could participate. For me too, it was an exciting week. Many parents from my previous experiences shared child care duties, to allow those with younger siblings to volunteer. Siblings may not, unfortunately, accompany you to CC/OM.

We can be flexible, but we do need some more people to step up and volunteer. You can do the whole week and have the same group all week. You can come for a day, two days or how ever many you want. We can even accept people who work Downtown and can come for a half day.

If you are considering volunteering can you let me know as soon as possible, with days you are available. Please also be sure you have current police clearance. You can contact the office and check. If you do not, but want to volunteer, time is running out so start the application process right away.

Dates: January 21 - 25th

I am nervous but am really hopeful we can gather some more volunteers. Thank you so much for considering doing this.

Now for next week!

Our performance is on Wednesday at 8:30 am so hang around after you drop your child off for school and enjoy our performance!

Students can choose to dress up next week, if they desire. Here are the themes for the week as well as the other performances:

Tuesday PJ day - performance is at 1:30pm
Wednesday - Holiday Character - WE PERFORM at 8:30am (don't plan to arrive at 8:30 am or you will not get a seat!)
Thursday - White out day - (wear as much white as you can) Performance at 1:30
Friday - flannel and fuzzy sock day - performance 8:30am

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