
Sunday 9 December 2018

The class have started to look at the pressing issue of homelessness. As a class we decided that lots of people become homeless for a variety of reasons and we decided we wanted to help them. As well as making cards with inspirational messages inside, we wanted to do something practical. We looked up homeless shelters and found the Mustard Seed. We then found a list of items that they were in particular need of so we decided to start collecting. Here are the two lists we found:

Sorry this comes late. We just research this on Thursday and I was out of town for the weekend. We have someone coming in to school to visit with me to start planning for our Open Minds adventure to The Mustard Seed. If we have some things ready for her to take back with her on Tuesday that would be excellent. If not, I can either take them downtown over Christmas or can keep collecting until the end of January, when the class can hand them over.

Have a great rest of the weekend!

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