
Friday 11 January 2019

Nazca Lines

We are combining art with literacy and science this week as we look at the Nazca Lines. This seems a natural follow on from looking at the work of Simon Beck. It is amazing how the original Nazca Lines were created. How did they make their huge pictures work? We did not get far into the research so maybe you can help your child research the lines at home. They are fascinating.

It was a complicated art project and we had to use a Growth Mindset to move through challenges and frustrations as we worked out the best way to permanent art out of sand!

Here are the results; now set in 'stone.'

We had great fun helping our Kindergarten buddies. Thinking about how to help them with their spelling helped us think about our own spelling.

Don't forget to book your Conference time!
Half day Thursday
No school Friday, due to Conferences

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