
Saturday 12 January 2019

Open Minds!

I have just been sifting through my volunteer forms and class lists to make my schedules for our Campus Calgary Open Minds experience. I cannot believe that, with the help of a couple of flexible parents, I not only have enough parents (from 14 kind volunteers) to make 5 groups per day, but I have been able to work it out so that the student groupings stay the same for each day (my top priority for safety reasons), and that each student gets to be with their parent too! I am so happy.

A huge thank you to all who are volunteering. We could not do this without you.

Please remember, parent volunteers, that though you are with your child, you want them to be as independent as they can, and other members of the group need equal support. Actually, you will be so busy journaling yourself, that your group will have to be independent! Don't worry, your group can teach you what to do. They are experts:)

As we move toward final preparations for the week, please ensure you have talked to your children about the importance of staying with their group and following directions.

Please ensure your child gets to school on time as our bus leaves at 8:10 every day and will not wait for latecomers.

Please ensure your child has enough healthy sustaining food and water packed in their backpack as they use a lot of energy over the week.

Please ensure they have clothing that caters for all types of weather. You know Calgary!

Take a moment to copy and paste this link. It gives you more of an idea of what Open Minds School is all about, even though this promotional video is from City Hall School. As the video explains, it is NOT a field trip. If you look closely, you will see me in the video!

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