
Saturday 2 February 2019

 We continue to draw on our experience at the Mustard Seed.

We used the evaluation forms to think deeply about our experience, how our thoughts have changed, and what we think now. Many people have seen the display we made using these prompts. A lot paused to read it and we have been asked lots of questions about our week.

 We talked about what story the art piece (our very own piece of public art!) could be telling. Here are some of the students' ideas:

"Everybody is light and dark in their personalities."

"One helping hand can make a difference in the world because a little thing can ripple into a bigger thing."

"Everybody is different but our roots remain as one."

"The tree is the base and the hands are reaching out to the weak people in the world."

"Since there are a lot of different colors, I think everyone is welcome because everyone's skin is unique. Since there are a lot of hands, they can all lead to be helpful,caring, bold and daring."

"When a tree grows, the leaves have a story."

"Every leaf is unique."

"Each leaf is trying to reach its goal."

"One little thing can change the world."

"All the colors represent the people."

"The tree has leaves, with their own soul."

"Every hand is a Ripple Effect."

"I think the tree is trying to say how everyone can lend a helping hand."

I have been trying all year to have the students think deeply. This has been an elusive task for most of the students. I think we finally nailed it! Campus Calgary/Open Minds has a way to make the unexpected  happen!

In math we are working on addition with regrouping. All our hard work on adding single digits, adding doubles and near doubles, friendly tens, adding multiples of ten etc has paid off. Keep checking in with your child to brush up on these skills. Example:

6 + 3
7 + 7
8 + 9
7 + 6 = 3 + 4 + 6 = 3 + 10
56 + 30

You are aiming for your child to be able to quickly and easily answer questions, such as the ones above.

The students are able to add three digits to three digits, using a method that makes their understanding of mathematical concepts visible. They then check their work, using the standard algorithm.

This is what their work looks like:


Don't forget, we are back to our usual schedule on Monday, so don't forget library books.
Some students were given blue fee reminder letters. Look for them in backpacks.
I have very few returned report card envelopes. Please return all envelopes by this Friday.

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