
Thursday 28 March 2019

I hope you are all enjoying a relaxing break from school and are getting lots of opportunities to get outside and enjoy the Spring air!

The very first morning and the very first part of the day, we go swimming! Thank you to all the parents who returned their forms in good time for me to check them over and file them. I know I ask for them in before the due date but it really does help, especially in the case of incomplete forms. When they arrive later, I don't always get a chance to check them for completeness and/or errors in time to return them back home to be finished and returned. For legal reasons, unfortunately I cannot allow any child with incomplete forms to go on a field trip.

It might be a good idea to send your child to school wearing their swimming gear. To make the most of our lessons. we have to be quick at getting changed and the changing room is understandably crowded.

Don't forget to send underwear to change into though!

If your child forgets their swim gear, they will have to use what can be found in the swimming lost and found gear and nobody really wants that, so please don't forget about swimming in the Monday rush!

So, as we are leaving almost right away in the morning, please don't be late for school. If your child is nervous about swimming, I will keep an extra eye on them and help them feel as comfortable as they can.

A huge thank you to our swim volunteers. Remember, we will meet you at the swimming pool - you will not be traveling on the bus with us. Supervising excited children at the swimming pool is not the most exciting field  trip ever, so I really appreciate your support and know that you will be given first priority to accompany us on our next field trip.

Enjoy the rest of your Spring break!

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