
Wednesday 6 March 2019

I hope you can all see this blog as it seems something odd is happening with the links page! I will look into it.

We have just had a wonderful day honing our visual language skills so that we can start to use them to help us make sense of written text. The results were amazing! Every student was able to confidently use their visual language page to inform the other students about the Geography of Peru. If you listen to the talks, it sounds like the students are reading sentences. They are not. Unfortunately, since my computer has been re imaged, I cannot use air drop so have no photos:(

We have been making the most of indoor recess. A lot of students have been using their time to challenge themselves to build a spinner out of our math cubes. Again, I have some lovely pictures but can't sent them.

Three deep breathes:)

We have started to look at multiplication more formally and began by using the game of circles and stars to deepen their understanding of what multiplication looks like when modeled. Ask your child to teach you this game. I challenged  the students to look at an array and try to find the connection to multiplication. This was tricky but by collaborating, some students worked it out.

Hopefully technology will be co-operating soon:)

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