
Monday 21 January 2019

Campus Calgary/Open Minds

Our first day at Campus Calgary was fantastic! Thank you so much to the kind volunteers who came in today and those who will be with us for the rest of the week.

We started the day with an exploration of The Mustard Seed. The students learned how the Mustard Seed started; you might like to ask them that story.

Our classroom for the week!

 Our wonderful site co-ordinator, Miss Kelsey!

After lunch we visited a playground; it was such fun to play together. Miss Kelsey was surprised when it was explained that the reason we LOVED the playground is because we don't have one at KDT School YET!

We read a powerful story about how a boy caused a positive ripple effect by donating the money he had earned to a person who found himself in poverty. The boy had badly wanted a skateboard but his conscience began to prick when he learned the money he saved by collecting empty bottles was at he expense of a gentleman who wanted to buy a warm coat for the winter.

The visit to the new public library was exciting! We journaled about places that made us feel welcome and we tried to think who would feel welcome in each space.

 We knew we had arrived when we saw this art!

Who do you think would feel welcome in each picture? Why?

 Public art in the library (from a distance and close up)

 Seating and a table
 Books - of course!
 Mats on risers

 Did you notice who chose to sit here?

 Who would be drawn to this area?

 These seats had wheels on them. Why might this help you feel you belong? (hint - do you like being in a group?)

 Is the shape of the seating important?

 Can you see the games and puzzles? Who might use them?

 People ate in the library (better not tell Mrs. Brock!)

 Some students admired the lighting. How does that make us feel we belong?

 There were a whole bunch of computers. I tried to give people privacy by not getting too close:)

 There was a room where people were in a meeting. Who might use this room?

 Art made out of book ends!?

 One of the parent volunteers would not have felt welcomed if she could not use the elevator. Who else might appreciate it?

Look closely under the writing.It would be embarrassing to go into the wrong bathroom by mistake. Who would appreciate the braille?

 Who would feel valued and respected by seeing the huge murals in honor of them?

This man gave us a friendly greeting at the door. If he had got mad at us for plugging up the doorway, how would that have affected the rest of our visit to the library?

It's all about the ripple effect!

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