
Wednesday 16 January 2019


Hi Parents,

I sent home with the students of all those who kindly offered to volunteer a reminder of what day(s) they they offered to volunteer on. (white slip of paper).  I have already asked you all to check these days still work (one got switched) and get back to me if there are any problems. I now assume all the days on the slip of paper work with you. Email me if you have any questions.

Please note that students and volunteers  have to be at school by 8am (and volunteers preferably at 7:45am each day as the bus is scheduled to  leave promptly at 8:10am)

I am still missing 2 parent volunteer forms , 4 student field trip and 7 white media consent forms.

Please send them in tomorrow morning. I am not allowed to take students or volunteers without the correct documentation.

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