
Tuesday 22 January 2019

What is our Ripple Effect?

We had another great day at The Mustard Seed. Our ripple Effect began the very moment we arrived at The Mustard Seed. One gentleman watched us go up the stairs and remarked how he loved to see kids enjoying themselves. Chance encounters can have more impact than we realize.

At the Mustard Seed today we had a great talk and question session with Tomas, who facilities the Public Art installations in Calgary. (Sorry, I left my journals at school so I can't remember his full name or exact title. Moral of the story - keep your journal  with you at all times!!)

We then went out to look at Public Art. Some was very welcoming and invited interaction: This piece of art at one time even had an additional art attachment (colorful sash) to symbolically include the Metis people. I wonder if its Ripple Effect is to make people think about those people in other countries who still don't have equal or fair rights?


One student noticed the art in the fence. That got us thinking about the olympics and the bricks with names of people on them. What would be the Ripple Effect if you saw a brick with your family name on it? Why do the bricks have names on them? How did people get their name on a brick?

 City Hall has a drape. Is it art?

 When we look closely, we see the unexpected!

We all seem to like this piece of art. We all love to recognize it as it has become more familiar. Can you think of something else familiar that makes you feel welcome?

This art is both welcoming and not welcoming. How is it welcoming and help you feel safe? How is it not welcoming if you are cold and tired? Who is this art for?

 For a few minutes, this was our classroom and we journaled.

 A welcome place to rest - or is it? Who is being invited into this space? Who is not? Is this fair?

 What about this bench?

 Art behind a fence. What is its message?

We were welcomed into a very plush hotel. We used our senses to do a See, Think, Wonder Thinking Routine. The seats were oh so comfortable in here. What is the Ripple Effect in this space? Is the Ripple Effect the same for everyone?

We learned a lot today. We will be unpacking more in the days and weeks to come at KDT.

The adventure continues! Make sure you get a good rest tonight!

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