
Wednesday 23 January 2019

Day Three of Open Minds School

Today began with a look at negative ripple effects. It was a powerful teachable moment to reflect on student decisions made the day before.

We have a saying in our class, 'We all mess up from time to time, but we mess up, 'fess up, try to make things right, learn from our mistakes (so we try not to make the same one again) and move on.'

 I was proud that the students did indeed learn and today we had a wonderful day.

We started the day at Brookfield Place where we listened to art. Yes, you read that right! It was actually great that the visual art was not working so we could really focus on using our other senses. Ask your child what the sound was and where the sound came from. Who might feel the warmth of inclusiveness by hearing this art? How did this art make you feel? Do we need something like this in

What art? Ask your child!

 What sounds were made? How? How did it make you feel?

We then saw some very interesting art, based on cross stitch patterns. It was so tempting to touch this art, but we resisted. The feeling in that space was very different from the one we had just been in. How did the sounds make you feel?

Then the snow and wind began in earnest! We journaled about Wonderland from inside, which provided an interesting contrast of environments. The short walk through the wind and snow reminded us how grateful we are for our warm homes and our empathy for those who don't have this definitely grew. Everywhere we went, we were welcomed and smiled at. It made us feel good.  How would we feel if everyone grumbled about us, gave us bad looks or ignored us?

Greg, who  is in charge of fundraising for The Mustard Seed came to talk to us. It was interesting to learn what donations can be made to TMS, how the donations are processed and split up and that there are times of year when donations are low. He showed us that even very small donations of $3.11 can have a Ripple Effect and amount to a whole lot of help to a lot of people, not just in the meal provided but also in that feeling that each person matters and someone cares for them.

$3.11 That is a small amount. That got me thinking about something we could do to begin our own Ripple Effect. I am not sure I am allowed to ask for donations on a blog but maybe I can sow a little (mustard) seed in your minds. I will bring a ziplock bag to school just in case;)

Also in the afternoon we journaled in the stairwell! There was amazing art there. We thought of questions we would like to ask the people who created the art. The students wanted to know if the artists now had a home and a support network of friends and family.

There was a great Ripple Effect of happiness as we watched our incredible dancers when we did a body break!

I am excited for tomorrow for a couple of reasons. I am feeling very joyful;)

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